Seasonal Advice
Our seasonal advice guide provides some useful tips to ensure your lawn is looking its best all year round
/ Advice / Seasonal Advice Guide
If the ground is frozen try to stay off your lawn, however if the weather is mild enough you should lightly rake it and remove any debris or leaves in order to encourage better air circulation. Supalawns’ winter treatment will help control moss and prevent fungal disease from occurring during these winter months.
Continue raking the lawn and if the weather is mild enough, you can begin to think about scarification and aeration to take out all the dead organic material that has accumulated over winter. Ongoing treatment will help control moss and improve your lawn’s appearance as it transitions from winter to spring.

Continue mowing your lawn regularly and water it if there has been any shortage of rainfall. A Supalawns aeration procedure around this time should ensure your lawn stays hydrated for the hotter, dryer months ahead.
Maintain a frequent level of mowing and water the lawn if necessary but remember to give the grass a heavy soaking, allowing for greater penetration into the soil (see advice on watering). Supalawns’ summer treatment programme will take place from June to August and replaces the nutrients that are rapidly used up during the fast growth period with a high nitrogen formula that encourages continued growth, maintains colour and deals with any troublesome weeds during the hotter months.

Temperatures can still be warm but as more moisture enters the ground, this early autumn period presents good grass growing conditions after what can sometimes be a challenging summer. Continue mowing your lawn, reducing the height slightly from the summer setting but leaving enough for the lawn to thicken and protect itself from the colder months ahead. Scarify your lawn if it has not been done so this year already in order to remove excess thatch, improve air circulation and prevent lawn diseases from occurring. If your lawn is suffering from any bare patches, it is best to overseed in conjunction with either scarification or aeration where the well-ventilated soil will be accompanied by a nutrient-rich layer of top dressing to encourage better seed germination and a thicker, greener lawn.

A lawn generally needs to be cut once a month over winter only when the grass is dry enough and can withstand the pressures of a mower without damaging it. Try to avoid any activity on it if the ground is frozen as the grass blades are brittle and more susceptible to damage. Keeping the lawn clear of leaves and debris will help control the build-up of thatch but moss can tend to take hold at this time of the year which is why it is important to continue your treatment plan into the winter months. Supalawns can provide ongoing moss treatment and keep fungal disease at bay to aid your lawn’s transition into the new year.

Your lawn will be coming out of its winter slump in time for the growing season. Increase your mowing frequency but only take the top layer off (see advice for correct height) so it can absorb nutrients and withstand any weed germination. We would advise a scarification of your lawn if it has not been done already to remove any thatch, maximising the grass growing space in time for our spring fertiliser treatment either this month or in April.
Keep mowing your lawn regularly to ensure a healthy, tidy appearance. Try to overseed any bare patches and remove any weeds if possible. A Supalawns spring treatment programme provides the essential nutrients to stimulate a balanced growth and allow your lawn to flourish.

When mowing your lawn in drier weather conditions we advise you to increase the cutting height to relieve the grass plant from stress and help it retain moisture by self-shading. Increase watering frequency if there is a period of drought. Supalawns’ summer treatment programme will help deliver a deep green, thick lawn during the hotter summer months.
In the peak of summer when temperatures are hot and dry, the grass plant can become scorched and your lawn dehydrated if it is not watered properly. Your lawn will most likely be suffering from dryness if it’s looking brown or patchy and watering will help restore its colour and a good appearance.

As grass growth begins to slow down, a mild and wet climate can increase the likelihood of moss in lawns. You should use a rake or leaf blower to remove any leaves or debris on the surface and we would also recommend aerating it to alleviate soil compaction and provide space for easier access to nutrients. Supalawns’ autumn treatment will take place from September to November and aims to provide ongoing moss control along with a final feed of the year to make the grass stronger and less vulnerable during the winter months.
Only cut your lawn when the weather is dry but leave it long enough to protect the grass roots from frost and snow. Try to remove any leaves or debris on the surface either by raking or using a leaf blower, but this can be difficult to manage if your lawn covers a large area.